Geghard Ensemble was founded in 2001 by solist and conductor Anahit Papayan. This female ensemble consists of eight yound singers that are graduates of Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory.
The artistic director is Mher Navoyan, PhD, medievalist - musicologist, professor.
Besides, the Divine Liturgies sing each sunday in St. Geghard Monastery (IV-VIIIc). The ensemble has also wide concert activities.
The main aim of the ensemble is to present Armenian sacred and folk choral music in Armenia and abroad.
Since 2002 a fruitful colleboration has been esteblished with association Kuratorium Weltkulturdenkmal Kloster Lorsch, in the frame of the partnership between two UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites - Geghard Monastery in Armenia and Lorsch Abbey in Germany.
During the 12 years of its activities the ensemble participated in number of International festivals, among which are the Musikfest Stuttgart of International Bachakademie and Musica Sacra International in Marktoberdorf (Germany), Kirko Soikoon in Finland, Voix et Route Romane as well as in many other countries - France, Czech Republic, Belgium, Lebanon.
In 2010 the ensemble won the Grand Prix in Competition of Orthodos chant Kolozhshkiy Blagovest in Belarus and the frist prize in the International Competition Hajnowka's Days of Orthodox Music in Poland.